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제목 : (경기도정신건강증진센터)[영어]메르스(MERS) 극복 홍보 동영상 - "빛을 밝히는 이들, 수원시 정자동 사람들"
작성자 : 관리자 작성일 : 2015-11-13 조회수 : 14249
 첨부파일 000000111.jpg

[본 영상은 2015년 11월에 게시한 영상을 재업로드하였습니다.]

The story that unfolds here is the story about the people in Jeongja-dong in Suwon who held the torch of hope to take down the curtain of darkness named the MERS crisis in Korea Voluntary participation by ordinary Gyeonggi residents. With consideration for each other.

Taking the light of hope, Gyeonggi Province developed a private sector network and rigorously managed patients suspected of MERS.